Produkt Sniper Elite 4 Pre-order Bundle teď není dostupný.


**Pre-order to get the Target: Führer mission DLC and Camouflage Combat Rifles Pack for FREE!** Continuing the series’ World War Two heritage, Sniper Elite 4 delivers critically acclaimed gunplay across the striking landscapes of wartime Italy, from sun-drenched Mediterranean coastal towns to giddying mountain monasteries and more. Sniper Elite 4 combines genre-defining ballistics, breathless emergent stealth and gripping third-person action. Experience unrivalled freedom across levels many times the size of Sniper Elite 3’s. Exploit the environment, carve your own approach, manipulate the battlefield and hunt your enemies.

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Rebellion Developments Ltd


Rebellion Developments Ltd

Datum vydání


Přibližná velikost

3,31 GB

Věkové hodnocení

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