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Microsoft Industry Blogs - Canada


Cybersecurity & Privacy: Managing enterprise risk 

[inlinevideo header=”Cybersecurity & Privacy: Managing enterprise risk” description=”” videoimage=”” video=”″] Today, security and privacy are no longer just IT issues. As many high-profile security breaches have recently taught us, the implications of a security incident can reach far beyond the costs to eliminate the problem. These issues can damage the trust you have earned from


PPDM 2015: New Playgrounds for Oil & Gas Rebels 

At the very beginning it was pure adventure! Lonesome riders, heading towards where the sun goes down. Mavericks, with their own rules, rebels, free to make a living their own way. Yeah, the Wild West was a time of freedom – not necessarily fun, but opportunities everywhere, endless land and resources. A playground where wildcatters started their way becoming oil barons and roughnecks shaped today’s idea of a tough guy.


A new foundation for connected business processes at a German pharmaceutical and chemical company 

Today’s Office 365 post was written by Dr. Matthias Geselle, a Vice President, member of the IT leadership team at Merck. Merck is the world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company and is operating in 66 countries. Since 1668 the name has stood for innovation, business success and responsible entrepreneurship. It does business as EMD Millipore and EMD Serono in the United States and Canada.


Finance focus with Amy Hood and Frank Brod 

Watch Microsoft’s finance leaders discuss how analytics have driven company-wide impact and efficiency. [inlinevideo header=”Finance focus with Amy Hood and Frank Brod” description=”” videoimage=”” video=”″] Amy Hood and Frank Brod help set an industry standard for merging data analytics and financial oversight. The question is, which practices set a company apart? There is endless data


Marketing: How we see it 

Microsoft technologies provide the ultimate canvas for creative marketing. Marketing is changing. It’s still about attracting new customers, retaining old ones, and differentiating you and your products from the competition. But it’s also about knowing your market and your customers deeply. It’s about giving customers truly unique experiences that blend the physical and the digital.


Winning today’s challenges in pharma 

Pharmaceutical companies across the globe must contend with numerous challenges. They face pressure to control operational costs, increase R&D investments and reduce prices for end users, and must also remain compliant with ever-increasing industry regulations.


Glasgow City Council 

With a population of approximately 600,000, Glasgow is Scotland's largest city and the commercial capital of the country. It is the UK's second largest retail centre and one of Europe's top 20 financial centres.


The future of retail for small business 

Microsoft participated in the National Retail Federation Big Show in New York, where we showed what the future of retail will look like and highlighted how customers like GameStop and Hardee’s are creating better shopping experiences through the use of technology.