R.O.O.T.S은(는) 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.


R.O.O.T.S is a real-time strategy game that pits the player against colorful yet invasive enemies that must be overtaken before the player themselves is uprooted! Warfare has never been so beautifully unorthodox. Minimalistic graphics, pleasant sounds and smooth controls makes R.O.O.T.S a distinct piece of art that is a pure pleasure to play. Similar to games like Eufloria, Galcon, and Tentacle Wars, R.O.O.T.S is a straightforward, simplified and visually stunning real-time strategy game. Given the right amount of focus, every level and enemy can be skillfully and swiftly conquered. Every decision plays a factor, only the best can plant the seed and grow their army. Can you hold your planet and defeat the creeping, plotting enemy? Play today and find out what the word INVASIVE truly stands for! Be proud of your R.O.O.T.S


피플 추천


  • Vibrant warfare that feels nonviolent
  • A unique gaming experience for all
  • Stimulating gameplay
  • Relaxing soundtrack that fits
  • Variety of changing environments
  • Hours of replay using different strategies
  • Intense skirmishes
  • Sharp enemy AI

추가 정보




Copyright © 2015, Alexey Saenko.



대략적인 크기


연령별 등급

3세 이상



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인터넷 연결에 액세스하고 서버로 작동합니다.
인터넷 연결에 액세스


Microsoft 계정에 로그인한 상태에서 이 앱을 다운로드한 후 최대 10대의 Windows 10 디바이스에 설치할 수 있습니다.

지원되는 언어

English (United States)

서비스 계약 추가 내용

거래 계약

이 제품 보고

로그인 이 게임을 Microsoft에 보고하세요.
신고하기 이 제품은 불법 콘텐츠임

법적 고지 사항

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