Zombie Survival - Tower Defence은(는) 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.


Zombies are destroying the city!!!! - Prepared for the fierce battles between the special squad heroes and ferocious zombies in most addictive defense zombie game. Use your skill and intelligence to lead your special squad team to defeat all the ferocious zombies to save the city. Each unit of the special squad heroes team have different characteristics, for example: Sniper have big damage, long range but low speed attack, less health. Double Pistol have normal damage, but higher speed attack, more powerfull when upgrade. Also there are many types of zombies, each zombie also have different characteristics and ability, for example: Mad Zombie have very hight move speed, attack speed, but less health and have a very ability is you can not freeze this zombie. Freeze Zombie have very hight health, but lower move speed and attack speed and have a very terrible ability, this zombie can freeze the unit. Beside the special squad heroes team , you can also use many awesome skills in defeating the zombies (Bomb, Freezing, Heavy Rocket...)


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추가 정보


Fine Fun Games



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연령별 등급

12세 이상



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지원되는 언어

English (United States)

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