Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries
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The world abounds with Paranormal and Alien encounters that defy reality and cross over into the realm of high strangeness, of which there have been many attempts to explain these mind bending phenomena but still no one has the answers. With the US government finally admitting that many of the unexplained sightings of UFO craft may very well be alien technology we are emerging into a new era, that of a "Unified Theory of the Paranormal" that may provide answers for many enigmas of the unknown. It involves the ancient eastern concept of ‘oneness’ recognized by our forefathers, long before the arcane physics of quantum mechanics demonstrated it's reality. Let us explore the Book of Secrets and face who the aliens are, where they come from and why they are here.

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1091 Pictures


English (CC)

Released year


Age rating


1 h 2 min




3.43 GB (1080p HD)
2.11 GB (720p HD)
1.68 GB (SD)

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