Get started

Explore the different products

Pick the product you want to work with. If you're not sure, feel free to browse through a few to get an idea of what each of them can do—they all make learning computer science a lot of fun!

1. Purchase a micro:bit

You can buy micro:bits for your classroom from the Micro:bit Education Foundation, a not-for-profit organization who has a global reseller network.

2. Use MakeCode online or as an app

If you have Windows 10 computers in your classroom, the MakeCode for micro:bit app makes downloading programs to the micro:bit easier, and includes support for serial data logging. If you don't have a Windows 10 computer, use MakeCode online.

3. Explore projects and curriculum

Browse the free Introduction to Computer Science curriculum, science experiments, or any of the micro:bit student projects to get ideas for using the micro:bit in your classroom.

Explore MakeCode

Explore the pages below to learn more about Microsoft MakeCode and how to get started with an inclusive approach to computing education.