One Million American Dreams
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If you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere...' But what happens if you don't make it in New York? What happens if you fall so far short of success in the world's most iconic city that you can't even afford to be buried properly? Less than 16 miles from central Manhattan lies Hart Island, a 101-acre cemetery and the final resting place of over 1 million New Yorkers. But this is no ordinary cemetery. This is the last stop on the journey of the city's unclaimed dead. Hart Island is strictly off limits to the public. It is run by the city's Department of Correction, which employs inmates from nearby Rikers Island to carry out weekly interments. Poor and forgotten prisoners burying poor and forgotten people, for 50 cents an hour. From the brief lives of babies who died in hospital, to the lost lives of parents who drifted into poverty and oblivion, 'One Million American Dreams' follows four families trying to reconcile themselves to the tragic stories of their loved ones who ended up in a cheap pine box at the bottom of a Hart Island trench. Binding their stories together is the fidelity of family love and the unquenchable courage of life that transcends the darkness of death. 'One Million American Dreams' lifts the lid on one of the world's most iconic cities, in a gripping portrait of brave families searching for light amidst the harsh reality of the American dream.

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Brendan J. Byrne


Kew Media Group


English (CC)

Released year



1 h 29 min




5.04 GB (1080p HD)
2.63 GB (720p HD)
1.48 GB (SD)

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