Teacher in front of class holding a Windows device


UK education resources.

Access all the latest information and resources on Microsoft technology to support students, save time, and facilitate remote/hybrid learning. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact a Microsoft Expert or one of our education partners and we'll be happy to help.

Live training events

Whether you are starting to use technology to teach remotely or want to become more proficient we have curated a range of events to support you.

Visit Microsoft Events
Screenshot of Microsoft Events

Free resources to download and view

A collection of guides, demos, whitepapers and snackable videos.

School insights

Hear from Microsoft Showcase Schools on how they implemented remote learning and recommendations and learnings.

Free CPD courses

On demand multimedia courses designed by educators for educators. Log in and earn certificates and badges.

Tips and tricks from teachers

Our Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIEE) have shared their tips and tricks to help you get the most of out your tools.

Visit the blog
Illustation of 3 confidential events such as Ten tips to help educators run live events on teams, how to make engaging virtual lessons for students and 4 steps to enhance children's edication with machine learning.

Break time bites

Get quick tips in under a minute that will help improve your student's hybrid classroom experience and build your digital skills.

Foster a student empowered classroom

How to use the narrate feature in PowerPoint

Keep your class conversations focused

Raise your hand in a Teams meeting

Speed grade your assignments

Share to Teams with your favourite EdTech apps

How to use the narrate feature in PowerPoint

How to use the insights feature in Teams

Distribute assignments to your students

Social-emotional learning with Flipgrid

Create a SharePoint page inside Teams

Build digital pedagogy with the new MEC

Create a quiz in Teams

Marking though Forms in Teams

Create discreet forms for your students inside Teams

Remote learning quick tips for using Teams

Build your brand inside Teams

Become a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert

The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) programmes recognise global educator visionaries who are using technology to pave the way for their peers for better learning and student outcomes.