At Microsoft, our customers come first. So how'd you like to have your voice heard?

Your voice has never been as important, so here's your opportunity to make it heard! We invite you to share your thoughts and influence the outcome. Play a key role in helping Microsoft build the features that you need as we develop our products or services. Your feedback will help us ensure you have the best possible experiences with Microsoft.

When the right opportunity arises, we'll invite you to engage in 1 of 3 ways:
Survey Icon


Headset Icon

1 on 1 conversations

Round table Icon

Focus groups

How it works
Thumbsup Icon
Your data is never shared with any other programs or initiatives.
Email Icon
At the right opportunity, we'll contact you via email, to provide feedback.
Superman Icon
You've just helped influence the future of a Microsoft product.
Optout Icon
You can always opt-out or change your level of engagement as your interest or availability changes.
Microsoft Customer Feedback Program