Digerati Indie Darling Bundle 2 al momento non è disponibile.


Enjoy four indie favourites from Digerati! This bundle contains The Coma: Recut, Bleed 2, Slayaway Camp: Butcher’s Cut, and The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human. The Coma: Recut: Return to the dark corridors of Sehwa High in this remastered version of the hand-illustrated, Korean survival-horror cult classic. Bleed 2: A furiously fun and fast-paced run-and-gun arcade action game, Bleed 2 welcomes back pink-haired heroine Wryn, the world’s greatest – and only remaining – hero, as she fights to defend the globe from an invading force of villains. Slayaway Camp: Butcher’s Cut: A killer puzzle game and darkly comic homage to 80s horror movies where you control Skullface, a homicidal slasher hell-bent on revenge. The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human: Explore the ruins of humanity in this mesmerising underwater action-adventure. Discover thriving wildlife, encounter monstrous beasts, and let curiosity guide you through an inevitable voyage of extinction.


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Devespresso Games / Ian Campbell / Blue Wizard Digital / YCJY

Data di uscita


Fascia d'età

Contenuto rivolto a persone di almeno 16 anni


Azione e avventura


Installa nella tua console Xbox One home e accedi quando sei connesso al tuo account Microsoft.

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