For Honor Y4S1 Battle Pass
For Honor Y4S1 Battle Pass
Produkt For Honor Y4S1 Battle Pass teď není dostupný.


The Truce of Wyverndale has begun! Bring your customization to a whole new level with 100 Tiers of rewards for all heroes. Available during Y4S1 only. COMPLETE YOUR BATTLE PASS WITH ALL GAME MODES & DAILY ORDERS You can acquire Battle Points by completing orders and playing both single and multiplayer modes. GET CONTENT FOR ALL HEROES Earn cosmetic elements for all heroes, as: - 1 Execution (one per hero) - 1 Weapon Set (one per hero) - 1 Signature (one per hero) - 1 Battle Outfit (one per hero) - 1 Effect (Idle/Emote/Execution per hero) - Color Swatches, Paint Patterns, Symbols, Emblem Customization You can also gain: - Salvage, XP boosts, Scavenger Crates, Steel & Days of Champion Status - a 10% Bonus in Battle Points earned through completed matches

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