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Student and University

Student and University

It's by learning new things in life that makes us grow. What we learn becomes a part of who we are.

GoL Thumbnail

Game of Learners

A multi-week hackathon developed by the Africa Development Center and executed by Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors. Game of Learners is student driven with frameworks defined by the ADC.

Participants are not bound to university location. Born virtual, GOL is a program without geographic limitations.

Microsoft ADC Students League (MASL)

The program is designed to provide access to learning resources and launch opportunities for members' post-graduation success in software engineering and product management. Mentors will facilitate the program under the coordination of a campus lead. Members will also have the opportunity to engage in hands-on practice sessions coupled with the right to use resources from Microsoft towards developing innovative projects for campus and community impact. Membership of the club is open to all students actively enrolled in tertiary institutions where there is an active league, and they can apply irrespective of their course of study. Microsoft Contact: Email: Telephone Babatunde: +234 (1) 463 9155 Oluwasefunmi: +234 (1) 4639381
Student and University


Student and University Engagements


ADC Career Catalyst Program

This is a semi-annual 12-week engagement targeting 2nd-4th year post-secondary students. In our pilot we had 125 students from five universities (JKUAT, UoN, DKUT, USIU and Strathmore). The program includes: 5 weeks of virtual instructor-led and self-paced learning on programming and developer tools, 5 weeks of practicing Agile development while building a solution that addresses the Challenge presented by ADC, and lastly, 2 weeks of judging the submitted projects followed by awards.
Career Catalyst
Women's Empowerment Program

ADC Women Empowerment Program

This is a 12-week program aimed at developing and preparing women and girls with career readiness tips, tech skills on specific tech tracks per cohort, mentorship and encouraging women to take up leadership positions and go for opportunities in their careers and education as part of their growth and contribution to society.   The program seeks to reskill and upskill girls and women through a give back circle, where ladies in higher education who are mentored by women in industry.

Marketability Workshop - Quarterly

A series of four sessions to mentor graduating university students in Kenya, especially Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors. The goal is to improve their marketability by helping them refine their CV’s and LinkedIn profile and building their interviewing skills through mock-interviews.   We work with both University Recruiting and Industry Recruiting to demystify Microsoft’s interview process and build confidence on each potential candidate.
Curriculum Review

Curriculum Review - Ad-Hoc

The curriculum review process generates an action plan for improving the programs and units offered at the universities to support students in gaining technical expertise in relevant technologies needed in today’s software development and engineering roles.

Microsoft Internship: May – July

Targeting 3rd year students, this is a traditional Microsoft Internship whereby interns are assigned to sponsoring teams. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring team to ensure that the intern has an impactful project during their internship.
Microsoft Internship




Hack with Microsoft ADC (Primary and Secondary school edition)

This is a one-week hackathon open to students in primary and secondary schools.  Students are required to create teams of 5 to participate in a weeklong hack on preselected topics and tech.
K12 Hack with Microsoft
Game of Learners banner

Game of Learners Junior (Primary school coding camps)

Selected schools will participate in creating coding clubs from grade 4 to grade 8 who will go through training coaching and mentoring on emerging technologies, programming languages and opportunity to learn coding and tech skills with our software engineers. Teachers will be part of the clubs to ensure continuity and growth of the clubs.

Imagine Cup Junior

Imagine Cup Junior provides students aged 13 to 18 the opportunity to learn about technology and how it can be used to positively change the world. The global challenge is focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI), introducing students to AI and Microsoft’s AI for good initiatives so they can come up with ideas to solve social, cultural and environmental issues.
Imagine Cup


Microsoft DigiGirlz programs give middle and high school girls opportunities to learn about careers in technology, connect with Microsoft employees, and participate in hands-on computer and technology workshops. This year we will have a weeklong tech Bootcamp for student across Kenya, Rwanda and North America. The DigiGirlz High Tech Camp for girls works to dispel stereotypes of the high-tech industry.

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