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Publish to the Marketplace

Explore this comprehensive content library to learn how to create transactable offers and reach more customers in the Microsoft commercial marketplace. For more support, join ISV Success—an offer that helps you build, publish, and grow faster.

Discover on-demand content designed to help you thrive in the marketplace

Get step-by-step guidance for building SaaS, Azure Managed Apps, Kubernetes, and Virtual Machine offers.

Learn how to choose the right offer type

The first step to publishing your app in the Microsoft commercial marketplace is choosing the right offer type for your listing. Check out these resources to discover how to select the right offer type for your app and find out more about transactable offers.

Flowchart for publishing an app

Learn how to create SaaS offers

Walk through on-demand content, learning modules, and videos to learn how to build and publish your SaaS offer, choose pricing and billing options, and simplify the customer experience.


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 Infographic showing various windows in different shapes

Try hands-on SaaS labs

Walk through every step of creating a test SaaS offer, from building to publishing your app.

Move faster with the SaaS Accelerator

Publish your SaaS offer in hours instead of days with this powerful community-led resource.


Mastering the SaaS Accelerator

The SaaS Accelerator provides a fully functional community-led SaaS reference implementation for those interested in publishing transactable SaaS offers in Microsoft's marketplace in hours instead of days.

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Try hands-on SaaS Accelerator labs

Progress through these labs designed to help you understand, install, use, and customize the SaaS Accelerator project.

Learn how to create Azure Managed Application offers

Check out these resources to learn how to set up your Azure Managed Application offer from start to finish, decrease your onboarding time, and go to market faster.

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Try hands-on Azure Managed Application labs

Progress through these labs to practice creating a test Azure Managed Application offer from start to finish.

Learn how to create container offers for Kubernetes apps

Find out how to create transactable container offers designed for deploying solutions into Azure Kubernetes Service within the customer's subscription.

Try hands-on Kubernetes labs

Practice creating a test Kubernetes offer, from building your app to publishing it to the Microsoft commercial marketplace.

Learn how to create Virtual Machine offers

Explore on-demand content, get step-by-step guidance, and watch demos to learn how to build and publish a new Virtual Machine offer to the Microsoft commercial marketplace.
If you’re not sure where to start, go to:  

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Try hands-on Virtual Machine offer labs

Walk through the entire process of creating and publishing a Virtual Machine offer on the Microsoft commercial marketplace.

Learn how to manage your offers in Partner Center

Discover how to create, publish, and manage your Microsoft commercial marketplace in Partner Center.
If you’re not sure where to start, check out:

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Try hands-on Partner Center labs

Practice creating offers in Partner Center with labs that cover the process from start to finish.

Bonus Resources

Technical Accelerators

SaaS Accelerators

The SaaS Accelerator is a community-led reference implementation for publishing transactable SaaS offers in Microsoft's marketplace quickly. The Mastering the Marketplace content library has a course on building a SaaS offer with the SaaS Accelerator

Metered Billing Accelerator

For Azure Managed Application or SaaS offers in the Azure Marketplace, developers must track metered billing usage and send usage events to Microsoft only for usage above the base fee. This is required for all metered billing offers.

SaaS client libraries and tools

SaaS API Postman scripts

The SaaS API Postman scripts provide a set of Postman scripts that you can use to test the SaaS Fulfillment and Metered Billing APIs. The scripts are available on GitHub and include a predefined Postman collection and environment.

Microsoft Commercial Marketplace SaaS API Emulator

The emulator lets teams build for marketplace without production APIs. It is a Node.js tool that emulates the SaaS Fulfillment APIs of Microsoft commercial marketplace.

Java Client Library

The Microsoft commercial marketplace SaaS offer billing SDK enables Partners and Startups to build the requirements for the implementation of transactable SaaS offers for both the AppSource and Azure Marketplaces.

ARM-TTK validation tool

A PowerShell tool for analyzing and testing Azure Resource Manager templates and CreateUiDefinition.json files. The tests will check for coding best practices.

.NET Library

The Microsoft Commercial Marketplace SaaS .NET client enables publishers to build solutions interacting with Fulfillment and Metering APIs with .NET.

Commercial Marketplace samples

If you are looking for a useful starter solutions that can help you create and manage different kinds of marketplace scenarios, you should check out this GitHub repository where you can find more details and information about them.

Accelerate growth with training and events


Learn from live and on-demand webinars about business and technical topics in the Microsoft commercial marketplace. Get expert advice to build, publish, and grow your solutions.

Technical workshops

Explore informative session where our technical experts will guide you through the steps and requirements of publishing your solution to the marketplace. Learn how to reach more customers with this opportunity.

Master the Marketplace Office Hours

Learn how to publish your transactable offer to the marketplace. Join our business and technical teams for an open Q&A. Send questions before or chat live during the webinar.