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Africa Development Center
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Developer Community

Developer Community

A place where amazing developers share and stay up-to-date to achieve a common goal.

Tech Intensity

Tech Intensity is a key drive of competitive advantage, and at its core is the technical skill required to deliver the necessary changes to drive it. To quote Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: "Tech intensity is a fusion of cultural mindset and business processes that rewards the development and propagation of digital capabilities that create end-to-end digital feedback loops, tear down data silos and unleash information flows to trigger insights and predictions, automated workflows and intelligent services."

We drive tech intensity within communities mainly through Role-based training.

Tech Intensity
Our Mission

Role-based Training

Some developer communities are founded on common roles. From Database Administrators coming together to learn new paradigms to AI Engineers figuring out the next big step, we see a lot of communities helping their members get better at not only their jobs but the roles they envision to have.

To meet this need for end-to-end training on a particular skillset, Microsoft has built Role-based certification packages.


Great communities have sustainable engagement models. This allows them to not only bring on new members but allows for longevity of the community. Microsoft helps communities through mentorship, the provision of volunteers and speakers, and occasional sponsorships.

The African Development Centre provides a great source of speakers and mentors to African developer communities. The developers have experience working for Microsoft that they can seed into the communities they work with.

The Microsoft 4Afrika Volunteer Programme (My Skills) has also played a great role in bringing in expertise from across the globe to local communities.


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