Sally Erickson [MSFT] articles
Sally Erickson [MSFT]
1 min read
AX Content: September release of Lifecycle Services (LCS)
It’s always fun to watch each month as each Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services update comes out. Some months we have a lot of new features, and some months just a few, but the site continues to evolve rapidly.
1 min read
AX Content: Power BI for Office 365
Power BI for Office 365 is a collection of features and services that, together, enable you to visualize data, share discoveries, and collaborate in new ways. Familiar tools including Excel and SharePoint form the foundation of Power BI.
1 min read
AX Content: Cloud powered support
Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services has a new feature you’ll want to check out: Cloud powered support! Cloud powered support helps you manage support incidents. How it works Cloud powered support lets you create a virtual machine (VM) in Microsoft Azure that has the same hotfixes installed as your local environment.
1 min read
AX Content: Deploy AX 2012 R3 on Azure
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 can be deployed on Microsoft Azure! This blog post provides an overview, and points you to TechNet articles that provide the details you’ll need for your deployment. How to deploy To deploy AX 2012 R3 on Azure, you can use Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services.
1 min read
AX Content: The Compare Tool works with SSRS reports
With cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, the Compare Tool has been updated to support comparison of two SSRS report designs.
1 min read
AX Content: Warm up those SSRS servers
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services periodically restarts, and each restart clears the Reporting Services cache. After this cache has been cleared, it may take some time for the next report that is run to display.
2 min read