Ce jeu dispose d'un essai gratuit

1,89 $ CADOffre des achats dans l'appli
+ Offre des achats dans l'appli
1,89 $ CAD+


Can you schedule? Are you smart enough to balance the flow of material, the utilization of resources and still meet the deliveries and turn a profit? Run the tutorial to set a feel for how the game works as many times as you like. Then solve the scheduling problems represented in the different models. Can you stay in control? Can you delivery on time and on budget?

Captures d’écran

Nouveautés de cette version

Release 3: Minor changes to the tutorial text and reports. Release 4: URLs corrected. Release 5: Fixed issues where free plays were disabled and overdraft could be exceeded. Release 6: More secure recording of the free plays as a result the free plays count will be reset. So if you have purchased additional plays, use these up before upgrading. New achievements awards with bonuses for model completion, bonuses are also awarded for improvements in your score. Additional bonuses are awarded for posting to the high scores page. New personalization options allow for the selection of backgrounds to the resources and an option for full color customization and selection of a product image for a more personal look to the display. An extra bonus for frequent users is an award of limited access to the advanced models for achieving 50,000 revenue generation in a week. There is also the option to purchase a revenue accelerator which will triple the recorded revenue making it easier to reach the bonus. Release 7: Minor correction to allow viewing of the objectives during the tutorial. Release 8: The ability to predefine and save execution instructions is a significant enhancement also improved off line license handling. Release 9: Trial allowed and January Sale. Release 10: New age ratings Release 11: Dedicated Windows 10 product. Utilises updated license management introduced in the Windows 10 anniversary release.


  • Unlimited plays of the tutorial
  • Option available to post score to Facebook
  • 10 free plays included
  • Multiple models to solve
  • Additional bundles of 50 plays can be purchased
  • Chart of resource utilisations
  • Option to purchase additional models.
  • Option to purchase unlimited plays.
  • Background customisation
  • Define an execution sequence in advance and then play it

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Visual Software Systems Ltd.


Copyright © 2014-2016, Visual Software Systems Ltd.

Développé par

Visual Software Systems Ltd.

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

30,82 Mo

Classification par âge

Tous les âges



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Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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