The Rider & The Wolf
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Who killed Mike the Bike? The Rider & The Wolf tells the story of mountain bike pioneer Mike Rust, the hall of fame cyclist who disappeared without a trace in Colorado. Mountain biking, mystery and murder in the American West. This award winning documentary tells the origin story of the sport of mountain biking in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, told by the men and women who helped this sport erupt out of remote mountain mining and railroad towns onto the world stage in just a few years. At the heart of it all was Mike Rust, a wildly independent innovator who lived by his own rules. This is the only bike film of it's kind, mixing mystery and history. Recent developments may reveal that this mountain bike documentary indeed helped solve the mystery of who killed Mike the Bike.

Informations supplémentaires


Nathan Ward


Grit and Thistle Film


English (sous-titre)

Année de publication



1 h 1 min




3,56 Go (1080p HD)
1,64 Go (720p HD)
1,21 Go (SD)

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