WB 100 Frights Five-Film Collection
Le prix d'origine était de 55,95 $ CAD, prix actuel : 44,99 $ CAD
Remise de 20 %
HD sélectionné(e)
Le prix d'origine était de 55,95 $ CAD, prix actuel : 44,99 $ CAD
Remise de 20 %


The Conjuring: Based on a true story, ghost hunters help a family terrorized by a dark spirit; Annabelle: A couple is haunted by a vintage doll; A Nightmare on Elm Street: A pedophile who was murdered by a lynch mob returns years later in terrifying nightmares of his killers' teenage children; Final Destination: A young man's premonition of violent death saves the lives of six others - but the survivors start to die in spectacular ways; Stephen King's IT: A fanged monster that won't stay on the movie screen. Something ominous lurking in the basement.