6,99 €


Composed by Patricio Meneses, the Chilean composer of the original soundtracks for the Zeno Clash games, the 36 tracks on this soundtrack immerse you in the punk-fantasy world of Clash: Artifacts of Chaos. Continuing the creative themes of the previous games, the music incorporates innovative musical structures and blends the voices of male and female singers in a language created especially for the game world. It all comes together to create an emotional, captivating musical journey through the lands of Zenozoik. Composer: Patricio Meneses Mixing and mastering: Sebastian Palacios Production: Austral Music

Snímky obrazovky

Ďalšie informácie




ACE Team

Dátum vydania

9. 3. 2023

Približná veľkosť

1,58 GB

Hodnotenie podľa veku

Od 12 rokov




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Podporované jazyky

English (United States)

Ďalšie podmienky

Pravidlá správania v Xboxe Live
Zásady ochrany osobných údajov pre Clash - Original Soundtrack
Podmienky transakcie
Licenčné podmienky pre Clash - Original Soundtrack
©2023 Nacon. ©2023 Published by Nacon and developed by ACE Team. All rights reserved.

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