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See Copilot in action with these AI prompts

MAY 14, 2024


AI FOR: Beginners


Woman on a Surface device in the kitchen

Artificial intelligence (AI) assistants like Copilot have the power to radically improve our lives, but what exactly can they do? With the right prompts, you can get AI to conduct a huge scope of tasks, such as generating text, making data tables, writing itineraries, and so much more.

What can Copilot create?

The range is dazzling! Just ask Copilot to generate what you want and see what’s possible. To write the best AI prompts, though, it’s important to know what you can ask it to do. Let’s dive into specific AI prompt examples to demonstrate some of what Copilot can help you do when given the right instructions.


Want to write a poem for your special someone? Sure. Procrastinating on replying to emails? Let Copilot help you get started. Whatever you’re trying to write, Copilot can help.

Try these prompts to see the types of text Copilot can generate:

  • Write a polite, brief email to my child’s principal asking how parents can better support her work.
  • Write a short story about an amateur archaeologist's time-traveling adventure to ancient Egypt. Describe their adaptation to ancient customs, efforts to return to the present without altering history, and challenges faced.
  • Draft a 500-word blog post on the top ten healthy eating habits for busy professionals. Include practical tips for quick meal prep, smart snacking during work hours, links to recipes, and kitchen gadget recommendations.


Not only can this AI companion generate almost any type of text you can think of, but it can also create images, thanks to Designer in Copilot. This ground-breaking tool can generate photorealistic images, social media avatars, digital art, and so much more.

See how these image prompts come to life:

  • Design a female, cyberpunk, anime character. Give her vibrant purple hair, bright green eyes, and a futuristic ninja outfit with digital accents.
An anime avatar

Credit: Designer in Copilot

  • Create an avant-garde oil painting of a surreal dreamscape. Include a floating island with a garden and whimsical cottage surrounded by a sunset-colored sky and mythical creatures like dragons and phoenixes. Blend realism with fantasy along with rich texture and color to create a dreamy, otherworldly realm.
A whimsical image depicting a fantasy world in the style of an oil painting

Credit: Designer in Copilot

What we’ve shown is just the surface of the amazing things that Designer can do. Head on over to the AI image prompting guide to continue learning the art of crafting AI images.


Need the TLDR of a lengthy document, or want a synopsis of a TV show episode you just watched? Copilot can summarize long documents, movies, books, research articles, and more!

Check out Copilot’s summarizing capabilities with these prompts:

  • Condense the main argument, methodology, and findings of the latest study on the effects of social media on mental health into a two-paragraph summary.
  • Write a detailed summary of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen focusing on character development and social commentary.
  • Summarize the key points of the last State of the Union address. Emphasize major policy announcements and put the summary in bullet-point format.


Making spreadsheets or data tables can be a tedious task for many, but with Copilot, it can be an absolute breeze. Copilot can generate tables for a variety of purposes, from data analysis to event planning.

Try these prompts to get inspired about Copilot’s table-making capability:

  • Create a table comparing the nutritional value, price, and shelf life of plant-based milk alternatives like almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk.
  • Generate a table outlining the monthly expenses and income of a freelance graphic designer, including categories like software subscriptions, client payments, and marketing costs.
  • Design a table detailing the training schedule and performance metrics for a professional swimming team, including swim distances, times, and rest periods.


Seeking suggestions? Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or need a last-minute gift, Copilot can provide tailored recommendations.

Try out these prompts to get recommendations in seconds:

  • List five challenging but rewarding hiking trails in the Rocky Mountains. Include trail length, difficulty level, and scenic highlights.
  • Recommend five online courses for mastering Python programming. Tell me about course content, duration, and the level of expertise required.
  • List the top five weekend retreats within 200 miles of San Francisco. Also tell me about relaxation activities, accommodation quality, and pricing.


Need a workout plan? How about a day-of wedding schedule? Copilot can help create detailed schedules for any event or routine.

Try prompts like these to see how Copilot can make schedules for you:

  • Create a detailed, two-week itinerary for a cultural tour of Italy including major cities, key attractions, and recommended dining spots.
  • Write up a fun itinerary for a girl’s trip to the Bahamas.
  • Plan a daily schedule for a week-long wellness retreat. Include yoga sessions, meditation, healthy meals, and free time.


Sticking to daily routines is easier said than done, but Copilot can make it more attainable by drafting personalized routines for fitness, study, or anything else.

Get into the groove with these example prompts:

  • Create a structured routine for a retiree. Include exercise, meditation, social activities, and rest.
  • Develop a morning routine for a high school teacher including preparation for classes, personal development, and relaxation.
  • I need a fitness routine to heal my body after having a baby.

Combine multiple outputs

Copilot isn’t limited to creating one output: it can combine different requests to knock out multiple birds with one stone.

See how these prompts successfully combine different outputs:

  • Write a bedtime story that gets up to the most dramatic point, but then make it a choose your path challenge. Also, make an image of the characters in the story.
  • Develop a comprehensive guide for first-time parents combining a newborn care manual with a daily routine template and a list of essential baby products.
  • Generate a travel itinerary and packing list for a two-week vacation to Japan. Include destinations, accommodations, activities, and clothing recommendations.

Find out what Copilot can do for you

We’ve only given a glimpse of the many things Copilot can do. There’s still so much to learn about AI, and these AI prompt examples should serve as a launchpad for you. So go on, now: catapult yourself into the world of Copilot by downloading the mobile app today.

At Microsoft, we are always updating and testing features to offer our users the best possible experiences as we experiment with new approaches to functionality. To improve the user experience and streamline our tools that empower creativity, Bing Image Creator is now Designer and Bing Chat is now Copilot. Create wow-worthy images with your words and AI with Designer, and try Copilot, your AI-powered search assistant for the web.

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