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Dataset for Fill-in-the-Blank Humor

This data contains our custom Mad Libs that accompany the EMNLP 2017 paper called “Filling the Blanks for Mad Libs Humor”.

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    Dataset for Fill-in-the-Blank

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    This data accompanies the 2017 paper "Filling Blanks (hint: plural noun) for Mad Libs Humor" [1]. It contains 50 fill-in-the-blank stories similar in style to Mad Libs®. The blanks in these stories include the original word and the hint type (e.g. animal, food, noun, adverb). We also provide words that were filled in by Mechanical Turk workers along with Mechanical Turk funniness scores for each filled-in word and for the resulting filled-in story as a whole.

    [1] Hossain, Nabil, John Krumm, Lucy Vanderwende, Eric Horvitz, and Henry Kautz. "Filling Blanks (hint: plural noun) for Mad Libs Humor." In EMNLP. 2017.
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