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Dynamics 365

Larry Reski articles

Larry Reski
4 min read

Troubleshooting AOT Synchronization Errors 

During the Synchronization process in Dynamics AX 2012 there can be times when you experience errors which relate directly to SQL server statement that need to be handled and resolved. This blog has a number of tips you can use to help troubleshoot some of the more common errors.
2 min read

Turn off Keep Update objects in AX 2012 for new installations 

If you are doing a new install of AX 2012, you should make sure to turn off Keep update objects in the license configuration form.  The Keep update objects configuration keys are tied to objects in the SQL database with a prefix of DEL_.
2 min read

Moving between Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Environments 

Moving between Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Environments SUMMARY It is common practice to restore a Microsoft Dynamics AX database from one environment into another environment for testing and development purposes.  In most cases, this is not a problem but there are circumstances that need to be considered to get the restored database functioning.