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Dynamics 365

Leading UK Retail Partner Maginus Puts Weight Behind Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Launch

Last week I reported on our first UK win with Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail through Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail launch partner K3. Straight off the back of that win comes more good news from the UK in the form of another highly experienced retail partner Maginus putting their weight behind the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail solution.

Here is what Russell Dorset, Sales and Marketing Director, at Maginus had to say about Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail and some of the benefits he expects to see retailers realize: “We have already seen great results with Microsoft Dynamics AX into the retail sector and this new retail management functionality will perfectly complement our existing multi-channel solution for Dynamics AX,” said . “This will give retailers a truly end-to-end service to their customers and maximise sales across channels, minimising costs and improving customer service.”

You can read news of the announcement on the OnWindows site in full. If you are new to Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail you might also find the following interesting and can be sure to keep up-to-date with everything happening here on The Edge:

Welcome on board Maginus and hats off from me for a very cool company logo :)!

Luke Shave
ERP Industry Marketing Manager