One of Life’s Greatest Mysteries Doesn’t Have to Be ERP Software Licensing
Rent or own, that seems to be a burning question on the minds of customers evaluating new business management software. All licensing is not created equal and rest assured Microsoft Dynamics is ready to give you options but not overwhelm you with complexity or confuse you with fine print.
As part of our whiteboard video series, we wanted to answer the common questions asked by people evaluating ERP Software. In this installment we are tackling the topic: “What licensing options are available when buying a business solution from Microsoft?” We’ve made sure that Microsoft Dynamics comes with simple yet flexible license and packaging options so you can find the combination that works best for your business.
Businesses grow and change with time. So do their needs. Start with what you need today and add what you need later—whether it's in the cloud or on your servers. And Microsoft Dynamics certified partners are available to help you decide what will work best for you—even down to whether to pay for your licensing upfront or through a monthly subscription.
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