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Credit: Designer in Copilot

December 19, 2023

Get book, movie, and TV show recommendations using AI

Seeking a new fantasy adventure novel or streaming series to binge? With AI-powered tools, like Copilot, directly in the Microsoft Edge sidebar, you can get entertainment suggestions in a matter of seconds. Learn how to use these AI-powered features to recommend books, TV shows, movies, and more no matter the time, place, or mood.

Use Copilot to find that next great media recommendation

Copilot is an AI-powered, conversational search engine built right into the Edge sidebar. Select the Copilot icon in the upper-right corner of the browser and enter prompts into the Ask me anything… search box to get film, book, and TV show recommendations in seconds.

AI book recommendations

What should you read next? Copilot in Edge offers a smarter way to find just what you’re looking for. Try entering prompts like these to find your next great read.

  • I loved [book title]. What should I read next?
  • My favorite author has always been [author]. Give me a list of everything she’s ever written and all similar writers.
  • I’m planning a vacation to [location]. What are some of the most popular novels written that are either set in that place or by authors from that place?
  • I love to stay informed about [topic]. What are the most important books on that topic that came out in the last three years?
  • I love characters who are [adjectives]. Recommend books with characters like that and give me a quick summary of each book without giving too much away.

If you want more information on a recommendation, ask follow-up questions. For example, you can ask for a new fantasy adventure novel. Copilot will then provide a list of recommendations that you can refine. If you’re looking for a shorter novel, adjust the list by asking if any of the recommendations are under 400 pages. Try setting guardrails for type of humor, date published, awards, or whatever you like.

Books sitting on a display case in a bookstore

Credit: Designer in Copilot

AI movie recommendations

Should it be a blockbuster tonight or something set in a faraway land? Do you want a specific combination of actors? Try these prompts to ask Copilot for movie recommendations you’ll love.

  • I loved watching [movie titles]. What should I watch now?
  • I want to watch a [genre] movie, set in [location], on [theme]. List five possibilities with summaries of each.
  • Rank all movies directed by [director]. Make a chart with year of the movie, main stars, setting, length, and genre.
  • Here are five things I love [list things]. Find movie suggestions that feature all of these things.

AI TV show recommendations

If you’re tired of scrolling through streaming services to find something you might like, try Copilot, your everyday AI companion, for personalized, TV show recommendations. Here are a few prompts to help you find that next binge-worthy series.

  • I love TV shows about [topic or situation]. Give me recommendations for series I should watch and make an argument for why I should try each one.
  • Make a list of TV shows where reviewers have used the words best, fun, and laugh.
  • I want a list of [genre] TV shows that made more than five seasons and include [adjective] characters.
  • My favorite TV shows are [show names]. What should I watch next and why?
  • What’s the best TV show that I’ve probably never heard of?

Whether you’re searching for a book, TV show, or movie recommendation, quit guessing, Microsoft Edge with Copilot is simply a smarter way to find exactly what you’re looking for. Who knows? Maybe your next favorite novel will come from an AI book recommendation. Try Microsoft Edge to find your next favorite.

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