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January 30, 2024

Use AI to learn something new

If you’re looking to pick up a new hobby or skill but don’t know where to start, AI-powered Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar can help. AI is revolutionizing the way we learn and explore new interests. From language learning to stargazing, AI’s capabilities are as vast as they are exciting. When you want to learn something new, here’s how Copilot in Edge sidebar can get you there.

The magic of contextual search

One of Copilot’s most fascinating AI-powered features is its ability to perform contextual searches. This means AI understands the context of your queries, so it can provide more relevant and accurate responses.

For instance, if you're learning photography and ask about "exposure," Copilot knows you're talking about camera exposure, not sun exposure. This nuanced understanding makes your learning journey more precise, tailored, and fulfilling. Contextual search is just one of the reasons Copilot is a smarter way to find what you’re looking for.

Garden planning research with Copilot in Edge sidebar

Learning example: How to start a vegetable garden

Before we look at a few of the countless examples of new skills and knowledge AI-powered Copilot can help you learn, let’s start with a deeper dive into one example task: getting a vegetable garden started. If you ask Copilot, “How do I start a vegetable garden in my tropical climate?” it yields this detailed, step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a spot with plenty of sunlight (6-8 hours daily) that has good drainage to avoid waterlogging during heavy rains and is easily accessible for maintenance.
  2. Decide on a type of garden: Raised beds are ideal to ensure good drainage and soil quality control; container gardening may be best for managing soil quality in areas with heavy rainfall.
  3. Test soil for tropical suitability, focus on improving drainage and aeration, and enrich with compost suitable for tropical plants.
  4. Opt for vegetables that thrive in warm, humid conditions like okra, spinach, peppers, and eggplants.
  5. Ensure ample spacing to enhance air circulation and reduce humidity-related diseases. Companion planting can be used to repel pests common in tropical climates.
  6. In tropical climates, planting can often be done year-round, but be mindful of the wet season. Choose seeds or seedlings based on the local growing cycle.
  7. Water plants in a way that the leaves stay dry to prevent fungal diseases. Mulch to conserve moisture and reduce weed growth.
  8. Use natural methods suitable for a humid climate, and monitor plants closely for tropical pests and diseases.
  9. Harvest regularly to encourage growth, keeping in mind that some vegetables might mature faster in a tropical climate.

Then, if you aren’t familiar with a certain term or practice, simply ask Copilot for more by entering, “Briefly explain what companion planting is in a vegetable garden.” You can also ask detailed questions such as, “What vegetables would work best in a ten-foot-square raised bed?” Copilot in the sidebar can guide your research process as you seek to learn and try new things. From the initial research and learning phase, to planning, then execution, Copilot offers a smarter way to learn from beginning to end.

New things AI can help anyone learn

With capabilities like contextual search, AI-powered Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar serves as a versatile tool for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Copilot can play the role of your personal tutor, mentor, and guide, making learning not just effective but also incredibly enjoyable. Here’s a glimpse at just a few of the ways AI can help you learn something new, along with some sample prompts you can use to get started on your learning journey.

Learn a new language

Ever dreamed of speaking another language fluently? Copilot can be your personal language tutor, offering pronunciation tips, grammar exercises, and conversational practice. It's like having a language partner available 24/7.

  • I’m fluent in Spanish and English. What other language would be the easiest for me to learn?
  • I’m going to make some vocabulary flash cards. Provide 50 French words, and their translations, so I can get started.

Learn coding and software development

Interested in the world of coding? Copilot provides step-by-step coding tutorials, helps debug your code, and explains complex programming concepts in simple terms. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your skills, Copilot tailors its guidance to your learning pace.

  • I know there are coding languages, but don’t really understand what they do or how they work. Explain the three most common languages and the basics of how they work.
  • What are the first five steps I can take to start learning how to code?

Learn to cook and bake

If you're aspiring to be the next great chef or just want to bake something delicious, Copilot is here to help. Get personalized recipe recommendations, step-by-step cooking guidance, and baking tips to make your culinary journey delightful.

  • What are three simple gluten-free recipes a novice cook can prepare?
  • Provide some recipes that are easy for someone who is just learning how to bake.

Learn music theory and how to play an instrument

For music lovers, Copilot is a fantastic resource. Learn music theory, get practice exercises, ask for help composing music, and more. It's like a music teacher who's always available.

  • Explain the fundamentals of music theory to someone who’s a fan of music but doesn’t know what music theory is.
  • I’ve just started playing the clarinet. Provide some creative practice exercises I can do to get better.

Learn to be a better artist

Unleash your inner artist with AI's help. Learn drawing techniques, understand color theory, and receive constructive feedback on your artwork. It's a great way to improve your skills, whether you're drawing your first sketch or mastering your technique.

  • Explain color theory, how a novice painter should think about it, and ways to apply it.
  • What are some different techniques I can use for sketching and how can I practice them?

Learn about photography

Budding photographers can learn about camera settings, composition, lighting, and post-processing with AI’s assistance. Get personalized tips to take your photography to the next level.

  • What are the most important things for photographers to understand about light?
  • I’d like to become a professional photographer. Provide a list of the equipment I need to get first and why it’s important.

Learn about health and fitness

Copilot can tailor workout and yoga routines to your fitness level, offer exercise instructions, and give nutrition advice.

  • I have a gift certificate to a yoga studio, but I've never done yoga. What should I know before I go?
  • I’m a young woman trying to build muscle. Provide the guidelines for a nutrition plan and a 3-day-per-week workout plan.

Learn about astronomy

Explore the universe with AI's help. Learn about celestial bodies, identify stars and planets, and stay informed about astronomical events.

  • Share a list of the most important astronomers to learn about.
  • I live in North America and am just learning about astronomy. What are some things I can look for on a clear night in the winter?

Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar is not just a tool; it can be a versatile companion in your learning journey. It adapts to your style, pace, and level of understanding, making the learning process not only more efficient, but also truly enjoyable. Try Microsoft Edge to find out why there’s never been a more exciting time to embark on learning something new.

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