Get started

Explore the different products

Pick the product you want to work with. If you're not sure, feel free to browse through a few to get an idea of what each of them can do—they all make learning computer science a lot of fun!

1. Purchase Minecraft


You can download and install Minecraft for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store, or if you are a school you can purchase Minecraft: Education Edition for Windows 10 and macOS.

2. Install Code Connection


Download and install the free Code Connection app for Windows 10 or MacOS.

Install the Code Connection app

3. Connect MakeCode to Minecraft


Follow step-by-step instructions to connect MakeCode to Minecraft and start coding!

Connect MakeCode to Minecraft

4. Explore curriculum and resources


Use the Introduction to Computer Science curriculum, or any of the MakeCode for Minecraft tutorials to introduce students to computational thinking with Minecraft.

Explore tutorials and courses

Explore MakeCode

Explore the pages below to learn more about Microsoft MakeCode and how to get started with an inclusive approach to computing education.