1 min read

Walk through creating the internal Microsoft PowerApps Tool “Thrive” application with Pat Dunn

The PowerApps built, internal Microsoft tool called, Thrive, is how Microsoft employees keeps up with company news, gets important alerts, see tasks at a glance, or see employee profiles, find and launch other Thrive apps.  In addition to being one of the widest used PowerApps at Microsoft it also has the distinction of having one of the highest NPS ratings!   In a recent Microsoft internal conferences 95% of the 4,000 attendees used this application for their entire conference experience of scheduling, evaluations and logistics. 
In this webinar the team walk through their architecture enabling high performance and flexibility letting the team change setting of things like icons, descriptions, state, URLs etc. using app level configuration and user settings.

When 9/4/2019 8:00AM PST

Where: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Video-Gallery/Walk-through-creating-the-internal-Microsoft-PowerApps-Tool/td-p/351332

As a teaser wanted to include some screen shots of the Thrive Application:

News Feed

Application Launcher

Time Away


About our presenter: Pat Dunn

Pat Dunn was one of the original authors of the PowerApps Canvas App Coding Standards and Guidelines whitepaper:  https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/powerapps-canvas-app-coding-standards-and-guidelines/

In his own words: Technical Program Manager for the Thrive suite of PowerApps within Microsoft. I design, build, and
support our employee experience and line of business PowerApps for over 120K employees.

Building PowerApps at scale, my team is a proxy to the enterprise customer and we’ve driven over
300 features and bugs into the Power platform while blogging on the experience, consulting with
customers, and authoring standards white papers.