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Test Images for Wallflower Paper

These are test images for developing and evaluating background subtraction for computer vision. There are seven sequences of images, and each sequence comes from a video. One frame from each sequence is an evaluation image. Accompanying this image is a hand-segmented evaluation image that shows which pixels correspond to the foreground and which correspond to the background.

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  • Version:


    Date Published:


    File Name:








    MSR-LA-Data-allow modification and distribution-Test Images for Wallflower Paper_1864.docx

    File Size:

    141.6 MB

    11.9 MB

    97.7 MB

    103.3 MB

    77.6 MB

    188.5 MB

    13.9 MB

    45.7 KB

    These are test images for developing and evaluating background subtraction for computer vision. There are seven sequences of images, and each sequence comes from a video. One frame from each sequence is an evaluation image. Accompanying this image is a hand-segmented evaluation image that shows which pixels correspond to the foreground and which correspond to the background.
  • Supported Operating Systems

    Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8

    Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10
  • Download and follow instructions.
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