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Dynamics 365

Alysa Taylor articles

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Alysa Taylor
Corporate Vice President, Azure & Industry

Introducing Microsoft Customer Experience Platform: A solution for connected customer experiences 

Engaging with customers in today’s world is multifaceted, spanning everything from generating that initial spark of interest, to closing a sale and nurturing the relationship, to delivering exceptional ongoing service and support. Today, those experiences are often disconnected, and customer relationships are fragmented. On top of that, our expectations as customers have risen dramatically.

NRF 2021: enabling retailers to reimagine the road ahead with Microsoft Business Applications 

Truly engaged, always connected The past year has brought complex challenges for retailers of every size, and in response many have quickly pivoted their businesses to adjust. With store closures during lockdown, retailers leveraged Microsoft Dynamics 365 to facilitate new purchasing options for their customers, such as shipping from stores and click and collect.
4 min read

MBAS 2020: Moving forward, together 

Today, we’re hosting the first-ever fully digital Microsoft Business Applications Summit. Just six weeks ago, the community expected we would be together this week in Dallas, Texas. Now, of course, we are looking forward to connecting with you virtually. In these past weeks, every business has shifted focus to adjusting to new and unexpected challenges, and doing so at lightning speed.