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Sales Productivity Series: Businesses Need to Let Salespeople Sell

Companies hire salespeople to drive revenue, but it turns out that the majority of sales reps spend very little of their time actually doing the jobs they were hired to do. According to Pace Productivity, just 22% of a typical sales rep’s week is focused on selling (PDF).

Let’s face it—reps can’t close if they’re hamstrung by inefficient processes, left out of the conversation initiated by marketing, or simply distracted by time-sucking administrative tasks.

What’s more, considering that sales reps are often not looped in until buyers are two-thirds of the way though the decision-making process, sales productivity matters now more than ever. In other words, salespeople need to free up as much of their time as possible to focus on selling.

So how can organizations set their sales teams up to succeed? Give them the tools, guidance and support they need to do what they do best: sell. In this blog series, we’ll explore ways to do just that, with a focus on the trends shaping today’s buying—and selling—process:

  • Buyer 2.0: The way people buy has changed
  • How sales reps can transform from solution providers to trusted advisors
  • The role of content and conversations in today’s buying and selling process
  • Why and how sales reps need to tap into data for smarter selling
  • The tools and technology that help sales reps get more done faster and better

And don't forget to download our newest ebook, Always Be Closing! Thanks for reading.