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Dynamics 365

LCS: Cloud Powered Support improvements

With the last update we have enabled a new feature in CPS (cloud powered support) for AX 2012 R2 and AX 2012 R3.

This feature allows customers/partners to now create VMs using latest Cumulative Updates templates (ex. R2 CU9 and R3 CU9), while filing a support ticket for AX 2012 R2 and AX 2012 R3.

Following are the benefits of using this option to create issue reproducible VM using available templates:


  1. Latest CU templates gets you a repro VM much faster (within 30 mins v/s 4-5 hours for an exact repro VM)
  2. You can create repro VM using pre-defined templates for your support issues even when diagnostics is not configured


Note : Issue reproducible VMs are created in Microsoft subscription and only include the base Microsoft product. It provides an easy way for customers/partners to investigate if an issue is due to their customization v/s a core product issue.

CPS improvement