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Dynamics 365

Additional settings for Management Reporter 2012 CU16 Hotfix 3815274

Hotfix 3815274 is an optional hotfix that can be applied to CU16. It can be loaded to revert a CU16 change with reporting tree rollups. The hotfix will allow children nodes to be rolled up to a parent that contains a Dimension filter.

Before making any changes, be sure to have a backup of the MRServiceHost.settings.config file. You can then do the following:

  1. Open the Management Reporter Configuration Console. You will need to be logged in as a user that has the Administrator role in MR, when starting the console.
  2. Stop both the Process Service and the Application Service.
  3. Navigate to “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Services\MRServiceHost.settings.config”
  4. Edit the config file in Notepad and then add the following line. This will make dimension filters on summary tree units be ignored (pre-CU15 functionality):
<add key="ReportingTreeUnitsInheritCriteriaFromParent" value="false"/>

This new line should be added before the </appSettings>

  1. Save your changes and close Notepad.
  2. In the Management Reporter Configuration Console, start the Process Service and the Application Service.

Once the services have been restarted, you will need to re-generate your reports for the changes to be applied.

Hotfix 3815274 can be downloaded here: