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Details and workarounds for the Split based on delivery information option for purchase orders that was removed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, there was an option found on the Summary update tab under Accounts Payable | Setup | Parameters for Split based on delivery information on purchase order documents.  This option was removed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. 

This option enabled functionality that allowed users to enter a single purchase order, assign separate delivery addresses per line, and print purchase order confirmations separated per line.   

In addition to the intended functionality, this option also changes the behavior of how Microsoft Dynamics AX prints the header address on the Purchase order confirmation.  The logic of how the purchase order confirmation header address is determined is described below.

  1. If there is no site and no warehouse on the purchase order header it pulls the company address**.
  2. If there is no site and no warehouse on the purchase order header, and there is no company address**, it will use the delivery address from the first line of the purchase order.
  3. If there is a site and no warehouse on the purchase order header, and the site has an address it will use the site address.
  4. If there is a site and a warehouse on the purchase order header, and the warehouse has an address it will use the warehouse address.
  5. If there is a site and a warehouse on the purchase order header, and the warehouse does not have an address, but the site does, it will use the site address.
  6. If there is a site and warehouse on the purchase order header, but neither the site nor the warehouse have an address, it will use the company address**.
  7. If there is a site and warehouse on the purchase order header, and neither have an address, and there is no company address**, it will use the delivery address from the first line of the purchase order.
  8. If there is no site/no site address, no warehouse/no warehouse address and no company address** it will use the delivery address from the first line of the purchase order.
  9. In AX 2009 with the “Split based on delivery information” option enabled, it would have used the delivery address from the first line of the purchase order regardless of the purchase order header site, warehouse and company address.

**Company address refers to the address specified for the legal entity found under Organization administration | Setup | Organization | Legal entities.  If there is a delivery address, it will use that.  If not, it will use the business address. 

Why was this functionality removed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012?

With Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 there were many changes with purchase order confirmations.  This loss of functionality was a trade-off that was made to gain other functionality.  One of the changes that impacted this functionality was the source document work that was done.  If we allowed summary confirmations in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, as we did with this option in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, then invoices would need to partially relieve their encumbrance and this would result in discrepancies with the source document.  Additionally, because we use confirmations to capture purchase order versions when change management is not enabled we could no longer allow the confirmations to be out of sync with the purchase order.

Are there any workarounds?

For the primary function of this option, separating confirmations based on line delivery address, the recommended workaround to achieve the same split in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, would be to enter and manage separate purchase order documents. 

For the secondary function, changing the behavior of how Microsoft Dynamics AX prints the address on the Purchase order confirmation header, one of the workarounds would be to manipulate how the document is being entered.  As described above there are several factors that are evaluated to determine the address printed on the purchase order confirmation header.  Additionally, custom code similar to the following could be implemented to simulate this manipulation.  Note that this is provided as an example only and would be need to be developed, tested and maintained as any customization.  The following example will find the first delivery address in the PurchLine table.  If you have more than one delivery address on the purchase order lines (as in the purchase order lines have different delivery addresses) this would not separate the confirmations as that would require additional customization. 

Modified object: Tables\PurchPurchaseOrderHeader\initFromVendPurchOrderJour

//this.DeliveryName           = _vendPurchOrderJour.DeliveryName; //Comment out or remove line   
//this.DeliveryAddress       =_vendPurchOrderJour.deliveryAddress().Address; //Comment out or remove line   
this.DeliveryName             =purchLine.DeliveryName; //Add line   
this.DeliveryAddress         =purchLine.deliveryAddress().Address; //Add line

Additional enhancements are being considered for future releases.