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May 21, 2024

Check your work with an AI proofreader

Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone who wants to maintain a polished online presence, you understand how a simple spelling or grammatical issue can undermine your message.

That’s why using artificial intelligence to check your work can be a powerful tool. AI proofreaders can help you check your work with precision and confidence. Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar offers built-in, AI-powered proofreading capabilities to help you check your work with ease. Say goodbye to writing mistakes and hello to polished, error-free content.

How does an AI proofreader work?

Proofreading AI relies on advanced algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze your text. These AI tools identify spelling errors and check for grammar issues, such as problematic tense or subject-verb agreement. These checks can also help ensure proper usage of punctuation marks and formatting guidelines to match specific style guides, such as MLA or Chicago Manual of Style.

Your AI proofreader can also evaluate writing style and suggest improvements for clarity, coherence, and overall readability in order to make your writing stronger. AI proofreaders can suggest synonyms or alternative words to improve the variety of your vocabulary. You can even ask AI to revise your work in different styles, such as in a conversational tone, with academic authority, or from a funny or sarcastic point of view.

How can proofreading AI help your writing?

If you’re writing an academic paper, long-form news story, or any authoritative text, you understand the importance of avoiding mistakes that can weaken your voice or argument. That’s why using free proofreading AI can be an indispensable tool.

AI can be exceptionally precise, catching errors that might slip past your own review. These proofreading tools can also provide near-instant feedback, saving you valuable time compared to manually scanning your text line by line. By maintaining a consistent level of scrutiny across your entire document, AI can reduce the chances of overlooking errors or switching tones halfway through your text.

Image of a robot editing writing on a piece of paper at a desk

Credit: Image created with AI

How to use Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar to proofread your work

Imagine having an assistant who tirelessly checks your work for errors and ensures it's polished to perfection. One such assistant is Copilot in the sidebar, which comes equipped with AI-powered tools to catch grammar, spelling, and other writing issues that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

To start proofreading with AI, select the Copilot icon in the upper right corner of the Microsoft Edge sidebar. You can then paste the text you want proofread in the Ask me anything... search box preceded by a prompt like one of these:

  • Proofread the following text to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Proofread the following text for general spelling and writing errors. Make a list of all errors and show me the text with errors bolded.
  • Proofread the following text to make sure it sounds formal enough for a work email.

Get suggestions to improve your work

When you input your text into Copilot, it can swiftly scan every word, sentence, and paragraph to identify potential grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and style blunders, but that’s not all. It can also offer better word choices, sentences, and structure to enhance your writing style. Try prompts like these to get suggestions for improvement from your AI proofreader:

  • Help me polish this text to perfection. Proofread the following text and check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Then, make a list of all problematic sentences with suggestions for a rewrite.
  • Provide three ways to rewrite this paragraph.
  • Make all the fixes you suggest to the text and bold them inline.

One of the most appealing aspects of AI proofreading tools like Copilot is that they are incredibly user-friendly. In a matter of seconds, you’ll see your text scanned and corrected, saving you valuable time and helping to ensure your writing is error-free. It's also a confidence booster for writers of all levels, whether a professional author or a student working on an essay, to know a free proofreading AI assistant can help make sure your work is as clean, clear, and effective as possible.

Try Microsoft Edge today to experiment with this invaluable tool to enhance your writing.

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