Best F(r)iends Volume 1 + Volume 2


Volume 1: Their cult-classic hit The Room inspired the Oscar®-nominated* The Disaster Artist. Now Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero star in a new comedy-thriller, the surreal tale of a friendship gone dangerously wrong. Homeless drifter Jon (Sestero) is rescued by Harvey (Wiseau), an eccentric mortician who steals corpses' gold teeth. But just as Jon concocts a scheme to make them both fabulously rich off the loot, he learns horrific facts about Harvey's life that threaten to tear them apart. Volume 2: This comedy-thriller continues the bizarre saga of a dangerous drifter and a creepy mortician. With his friend Harvey out of the way, Jon and his girlfriend escape into the Arizona desert. But their quest to open a safe full of loot leads them to a gang of desperate, deadly characters. As he fights to survive, Jon is haunted by freakish memories of the long-lost Harvey.