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Learn the fundamentals of Mixed Reality UX Design by experiencing it yourself. Designing Holograms' unique approach will dive into Mixed Reality behaviors, tips and recommendations so you can create amazing HoloLens apps that engage and amaze your users.
What's new in this version
Our first chapters: - Spatial awareness. - Hand tracking. - Head tracking and eye tracking.
Additional information
Published by
Microsoft Design LabsRelease date
10/2/2020Approximate size
1.64 GBAge rating
For all agesCategory
Developer tools > Design toolsThis app can
Use your microphonegazeInput
Access your Internet connection
See your current and past surroundings
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Language supported
English (United States)Publisher Info
Designing Holograms websiteAdditional terms
Designing Holograms privacy policyTerms of transaction
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