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Ion Galactic: The Conflict - In this intense turn based Sci-Fi strategy game you will control the galaxy by way of conquest! Capture enemy bases, and bring other empires to their destruction. Build more powerful ships by combining the might of two or more distinct ships. Balance the need to maintain a large armada with the incomes of your controlled planets and their orbiting stations.
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Copyright © 2015, Adam PliskaDeveloped by
AKPcoRelease date
3/15/2015Approximate size
21.37 MBAge rating
For all agesCategory
StrategyThis app can
Microsoft.storeFilter.core.notSupported_8wekyb3d8bbweAccess your Internet connection
Access your Internet connection and act as a server.
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Language supported
English (United States)Additional terms
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