Justice League: The New Frontier / Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths / Justice League: Doom
Original price was $40.97, current price $22.99
44% off
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Original price was $40.97, current price $22.99
44% off


Live the intense tale of the founding of the greatest band of superheroes ever--Justice League: New Frontier. In this origin epic, a virtual who's who of superheroes featuring not only Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, but also Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Flash, these very different heroes must overcome their fear and suspicion of one another to forge an alliance against a creature so formidable that it will take all of their powers combined to prevail! Inspired by the best-selling graphic novel and produced by the multiple Emmy®-winning animation legend Bruce Timm ("Batman: The Animated Series"). In an alternate universe, an heroic Lex Luthor battles to save his planet from an evil variation of the Justice League! Now, to save his earth, Luthor enlists the Justice League from his universe's Crime Syndicate, a gang of villains with superpowers evenly matched with those of the Justice League. And in the ultimate battle of good versus evil, not only the fate of two earths hangs in the balance, but also the continuation of all existence! Featuring the voice talents of Nathan Fillion and Tim Daly, Justice League: Doom is based on Mark Waid's much-heralded JLA: Tower of Babel. When Vandal Savage discovers Batman's contingency plan to defeat the Justice League should any of them go rogue, he steals it and learns the secret weakness of each superhero. Savage then forms his own army of supervillains and begins taking out the Justice League one by one. His ultimate plan is to exterminate the greater part of the human population and start a new civilization. With the priceless knowledge of how to defeat the Justice League, Bane exhumes Batman's parents, exploiting the hero's emotions to distract him long enough to gain the upper hand. Cheetah attacks Wonder Woman, implanting microscopic machines that take control of her visual and auditory senses, forcing her to fight everyone she encounters.