Pet Sematary Double Feature
Original price was $25.98, current price $18.99
27% off
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Original price was $25.98, current price $18.99
27% off


Pet Sematary: Dr. Louis Creed, having just moved to Maine with his wife and two children, is heartbroken when he finds that his daughter's beloved cat has been hit by a truck and killed. Thankfully, a strange, elderly neighbor called Jud knows a secret that may spare the young girl's tears. He takes the dead cat to an ancient Indian burial ground that lies hidden in the surrounding hilltops; and when he buries the feline there, it comes back to life a few days later. Pet Sematary Two: Antagonized by the neighbourhood kids, Jeff befriends outsider Drew Gilbert, who lives in fear of his cruel stepfather Gus (Clancy Brown, "Highlander"). After Gus cold-bloodedly shoots Drew's beloved dog, the boys bury the body in the local Indian burial grounds— a place rumoured to have powers of resurrection.