Portals support for Power Apps CLI (public preview)

Power Apps CLI tooling is the first step toward a comprehensive application life-cycle management (ALM) story where the enterprise developers and ISVs can create, build, debug, and publish their extensions and customizations quickly and efficiently. More information: What is Microsoft Power Apps CLI?

With this feature, Microsoft Power Apps portals supports Power Apps CLI to enable CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) of portal configuration. You can now check-in the portal configuration to source control and move portal configuration to any environment using Power Apps CLI.

Preview capabilities

The feature provides the following capabilities during this public preview:

  • List all portal websites from the connected Dataverse environment
  • Download portal website content
  • Upload portal website content

How to install Power Apps CLI?

For a step-by-step instructions, please refer to Install Power Apps CLI.

After installing Power Apps CLI, open a command-prompt and run pac to verify that the output contains “paportal” – the command for Power Apps portals.

Power Apps CLI commands for portals

Power Apps CLI command for portals is “paportal”.

The following sections provides additional details about different properties of “paportal” command.

Command: list

Lists all portal websites from the current Microsoft Dataverse environment.
pac paportal list

Command: download

Download portal website content from the current Dataverse environment.


Name Description
–path Path where the website content will be downloaded (alias: -p).
–webSiteId Portal website id to download (alias: -id).
–overwrite (Optional) true – to overwrite existing content, false – to fail if the folder already has website content (alias: -o).

pac paportal download –path “C:\portals” –webSiteId f88b70cc-580b-4f1a-87c3-41debefeb902

Command: upload

Upload portal website content to the current Dataverse environment.


Name Description
–path Path where the website content is stored (alias: -p).

pac paportal upload –path “C:\portals\starter-portal”

Learn more

Overview Video 

Your feedback will help us continue to build on and improve the capabilities of this feature. We want to hear from you!

See documentation here for detailed overview.

Thank you,
Neeraj Nandwana