Public Preview: New File Data Type Available Via API

An exciting new enhancement is available as a preview for Power Apps, the addition of a File data type. Out of the box, Common Data Service can now naively support:

  • Files can now be added as a data type to any entity
  • Multiple File fields can exist on one entity
  • Use of blob storage for large file types to reduce consumption of relational storage

There are also enhanced metadata options for this new data type to provide more information when creating and consuming it.

These features can be implemented through the Maker Portal for Canvas apps now,  and with Model Driven apps in the near future.

Users can also get started using these great new data types through the  File Attribute APIs.


Let us know what you think!

We hope you enjoy the newly added features and are excited to hear what you think about them. If you have questions or other feedback, please comment here or let us know on the PowerApps administer PowerApps forum. We look forward to hearing from you!