Publishing changes to PowerApps Portals

PowerApps Portals uses the selective entity caching approach to improve reliability and performance of your portal. In this blog post, learn how it works with the portal designer .

Publishing the changes

If you are changing the entities which are identified as the configuration entities using the Unified Interface application, it required to explicitly “Clear Config” cache so these changes start showing up in Portal.  
Portal administrator should be able to see this option in “<portal_path>/_services/about” page along with other clear server-side cache options 



Configuration entities

Portal metadata are stored as data in the following entities. Hence, the below entities are classified as configuration entities.

adx_contentaccesslevel adx_redirect adx_webpage_tag
adx_contentsnippet adx_setting adx_webpageaccesscontrolrule
adx_entityform adx_shortcut adx_webpageaccesscontrolrule_webrole
adx_entityformmetadata adx_sitemarker adx_webpagehistory
adx_entitylist adx_sitesetting adx_webpagelog
adx_entitypermission adx_urlhistory adx_webrole_systemuser
adx_entitypermission_webrole adx_webfile adx_website
adx_externalidentity adx_webfilelog adx_website_list
adx_pagealert adx_webform adx_website_sponsor
adx_pagenotification adx_webformmetadata adx_websiteaccess
adx_pagetag adx_webformsession adx_websiteaccess_webrole
adx_pagetag_webpage adx_webformstep adx_websitebinding
adx_pagetemplate adx_weblink adx_websitelanguage
adx_portallanguage adx_weblinkset adx_webtemplate
adx_publishingstate adx_webnotificationentity
adx_publishingstatetransitionrule adx_webnotificationurl
adx_publishingstatetransitionrule_webrole adx_webpage


Note: The SLA for cache refresh (non-configuration entities data transfer between Dynamics 365 and portal) is 15 minutes.