4 min read

Streamline digital agreement workflows with Microsoft Power Pages and DocuSign

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency and simplify processes. One area that has seen significant growth is digital agreement management, including e-signatures, that are crucial for various scenarios, such as onboarding, application submissions, and loan processing.

Microsoft Power Pages empowers organizations and governments around the world to rapidly launch services as external websites to collect, automate, and share critical business data securely with their customers, partners, and the constituents they serve.

Today, Microsoft announced new, seamless interoperability between Microsoft Power Pages and DocuSign available in public preview. Power Pages makers can now effortlessly create data-centric websites with document generation and e-signature capabilities that empower businesses to improve their agreement workflows.

Unlocking the power of low-code development

Low-code development has gained immense popularity because it minimizes the amount of traditional complex coding required to develop applications. Power Pages is an AI-first trusted low-code web development platform that accelerates customer’s digital transformation intensity by offering capabilities such as no-code, low-code, and code-first website development and governance tools backed by a world-class reliable, secure, compliant, and global hosting service. This new DocuSign interoperability enables Power Pages to take a significant leap forward with built-in document generation and e-signature functionality.

Seamless interoperability with DocuSign

“The Power Pages and DocuSign eSignature interoperability revolutionizes how businesses incorporate e-signatures into web applications and workflows, improving customer experiences across several industries. It is a testament to the continuous effort between Microsoft and DocuSign to make the entire process of agreeing smarter, easier, and more trusted for businesses.”

Marcello Majonchi, Vice President, Product Management at DocuSign

DocuSign is widely recognized for its electronic signature solutions that enable businesses to securely generate, sign, and manage documents digitally. With Power Pages interoperability, low-code makers can now leverage the full potential of DocuSign’s capabilities within their Power Pages websites in all commercial and US government sovereign clouds. Whether it’s signing terms of agreements, processing applications, or handling critical business data, the Power Pages and DocuSign interoperability offers a user-friendly and efficient workflow for incorporating e-signatures into multi-step forms through a low-code Studio experience.

Through the DocuSign connector-based Microsoft Power Automate flow, documents are generated for the website users who can view and sign documents. These components are configured through the new Integrations > External Apps tab in the Setup workspace. The out-of-the-box DocuSign Interoperability reduces the time required to create scenarios that capture users’ digital signatures, enabling makers to easily add e-signatures to their multi-step forms.

Using DocuSign interoperability in a Power Pages website requires three basic steps. Read the help topic for more information.

First, the site admin installs the DocuSign package from the Setup workspace.

graphical user interface, text, application

Then, the site admin or maker configures Power Automate flows that are part of the package and resolves connection references. The maker also configures DocuSign templates (documents), maps it to a Microsoft Dataverse business data table, and optionally configures prefilled tabs (fields).

graphical user interface, application

Finally, the maker adds a form with a sub-grid associated to the business data table above. This step will require enabling e-signature in the newly introduced Integrations tab of a multi-step form in the Pages workspace. This configuration is shown in the images below.

graphical user interface, text, application
a screenshot of a computer

Industry use cases for e-signature

The ​​following use cases illustrate how Microsoft Power Pages and DocuSign interoperability can be applied to industry specific workflows:


  • Workforce transformation and HR: Digitally sign employment contracts, benefits forms, and evaluations to streamline employee onboarding and HR processes.
  • Licensing, permitting, and inspections: Enable electronic signatures on licensing and permit applications, expediting the approval process.
  • Case management for US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies: Enhance healthcare and human services case management with electronic signatures on critical documents like medical forms and consent forms.

Financial services

  • Customer onboarding: Simplify the process by allowing digital signatures on account opening documents, know your customer (KYC) forms, and agreements.
  • Applications: Streamline the approval process by enabling digital signing of loan applications, credit card applications, and financial documents.
  • Change of address forms: Facilitate address updates with digital signatures, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.


  • Statement of work (SOW) processes: Accelerate project kick-off by enabling digital signatures on SOW documents, ensuring agreement and alignment between parties.
  • Sales and legal agreements: Simplify contract management by allowing parties to sign agreements electronically, reducing the need for physical copies and manual processes.
  • Employee onboarding: Digitize employee onboarding processes by incorporating e-signatures on employment contracts, confidentiality agreements, and code of conduct forms.
  • Job applications: Enhance the hiring process by allowing candidates to digitally sign job applications, consent forms, and background check authorizations.


  • Admissions and financial aid: Enhance admissions by enabling e-signatures on application forms, financial aid documents, and enrollment agreements.
  • Student services: Streamline administrative tasks with e-signatures on student service forms like course registration, withdrawals, and housing agreements.
  • Research: Foster collaboration with digital signatures on research agreements, data-sharing agreements, and intellectual property disclosures.
  • Operations: Digitize processes by allowing digital signatures on purchase orders, vendor contracts, and facility rental agreements.
  • Student onboarding: Simplify onboarding with e-signatures on consent forms, medical records, and student handbooks.

DocuSign interoperability enables low-code development with e-signature capabilities

In a digital world where agility, efficiency, and productivity are paramount, Power Pages and DocuSign interoperability empowers organizations to embrace the digital era, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers and stakeholders. Harnessing the power of low-code development and e-signature capabilities enables businesses to drive innovation, streamline processes, and remain competitive in their respective industries.

Embrace the power of low-code development and agreement workflows to transform your business processes and unlock new levels of productivity. Try Power Pages today!