1 min read

Styling the site to meet your needs: updated color palette and custom CSS  

Working with your site’s styles just got better! Pages design studio now provides a re-organized color palette and entry points as well as the ability to upload and manage custom CSS. These are now available on make.powerpages.microsoft.com. Give them a try when styling your site and let us know your thoughts on the new experiences. 

Color palette and using it from the Pages workspace 

The color palette has been re-organized to provide makers with a clear understanding and distinction between their brand colors and the rest of the colors in the site. Makers can now leverage the color palette from the Pages workspace without having to jump back and forth to the Styling workspace.  

graphical user interface, website
graphical user interface, website

Custom CSS for advance site styling 

If you want to take a step further and use advance CSS to style your site, you can use the ‘Manage CSS’ option to provide advance site styling to your site. Makers can upload multiple CSS files. Move up and down the CSS files to decrease or increase the precedence and even disable a file, with a preview of the site reflected right next in canvas. Custom CSS files can also be edited using VS Code. 

graphical user interface, application

Visit the articles Style your pages site and Manage CSS files in Power Pages to find detailed information on these features and how you can start using them today to style your sites. As usual, we look forward to hearing from you