Microsoft Qatar Datacenter, the Qatar’s Invent the future.

Microsoft Cloud
Datacenter Region
in Qatar

Invent the future from Qatar to the world.
Where ambition and vision unite.

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  • Summary

    At EY, we believe that digital transformation is there to unlock human potential and accelerate new and better ways of working. The experience of our trusted, diverse teams and alliances connected across the whole business ecosystem makes us well placed to help you transform your entire business. The depth and breadth of capability means we can effect change from every angle, enhancing the potential of the workforce, customers, and stakeholders.

    We are already seeing the human impact that this approach can make: How customers’ experiences can become richer and more personalized through data-led insights; how trust can be built by using blockchain to bring transparency to industry and how talent can be liberated and opportunities created with the application of AI. This is how we are answering tomorrow’s questions today.


  • Solutions

    EY T-HUB

    EY T-HUB Is an APP based on MS Teams that provide tracking, dashboarding and reporting solution that leverages on your existing data sources and O365 applications, providing comprehensive and customisable dashboards to give an insight on your Digital Transformation initiatives, projects, tasks, teams and KPIs and activities. EY T-HUB provides your organisation with a 360-degree view on its DT posture

    EY T-HUB bring playbook-driven automated and EY powered insights to develop your DT roadmap.

    Can be totally customizable
    Can be client branded and themed

  • EY Shield

    EY Shield has been designed with interactive dashboards, AI bots, in-built work programs and automated reporting, while providing a digital experience for everyone involved. The tool is perfect to oversee the cyber program of an entity, tracking the progress and assigning tasks and ensuring compliance with Qatar specific standards such as NIA and CSF 2O22.

    EY Shield is a cyber security focused dashboarding and reporting solution that leverages on your existing SIEM solutions or data lake, providing comprehensive and customisable dashboards to give an insight on your cyber security posture and activities. It provides your organisation with a 360-degree view on its cyber security posture

    EY Shield bring playbook-driven automated incident response actions, and machine learning powered insights to develop your playbooks and enable automation

    • Hosted on premise and Azure cloud
    • Option to opt for specific EY Shield modules that are relevant to your organization
    • Custom dashboard to track compliance against NIA. CSF 2022
  • EY Global Tax Platform

    EY Global Tax Platform GTP represents a major step forward for your global tax function and establishes a new standard for tax technology excellence. EY GTP redefines how Tax operates, utilizing Microsoft Azure cloud technology to gather and store data in a safe, secure environment. This solution combines a common data platform with the power of dashboards, reporting and advanced analytics to better support your evolving needs. By gathering data from disparate systems and sources into one seamless platform, you can transform data into insights that will support informed decisions.

    Leverages EY technology and managed services domain knowledge, focusing on the tax requirements of today and with a vision of the capabilities that will be needed in the future

    Integrates state-of-the-art engines in a componentized manner, helping them to quickly update and replace old technologies with new ones in a plug-and-play fashion

    Supports data collection and reuse for complete delivery of tax services, storing all relevant data in a single technology platform

    Is tax-software agnostic and integrates with leading-class tax engines to provide you with leading technology to support your tax success

    Reduces major investments to develop and maintain your own tax technology systems by allowing you to benefit from investments that EY has made and shared across the core business

    Can be totally customizable

    Can be client branded and themed