

You’re a detective investigating mystical cases, and you get a call from a woman who is concerned about the behavior of her son's fiancée. She suspects that her future daughter-in-law is in touch with dark forces. At their house, you notice that the fiancée is not exactly who she seems to be at first sight. You take up the case and discover the truth that makes your blood freeze. Still, you’ll have to find whoever is responsible for all the paranormal activities. Look for the items that will help you advance your investigation, solve tough puzzles, and find the culprit! Gather your wits for an unforgettable detective story in this pulse-pounded new Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure! Find out why a hellhound is haunting a married couple in the Bonus Chapter! Replay your favorite puzzles and mini-games to earn the achievements! Enjoy bonus materials that include concept art, wallpapers, music, and more! Collect things that help you get more information about the magical items!


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Published by

Do Games Limited


© 2022 Do Games Limited, Ltd

Developed by

Do Games Limited

Release date


Approximate size

1.49 GB

Age rating

For all ages


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Language supported

English (United States)

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