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Loads of resources for why and how to upgrade to Windows 10

Regardless of what industry you’re in, or what your job role is, you and your organisation are most likely in the midst of a revolution. More of the tools (the apps and the computing) that you and your organisation rely on to function are moving to the cloud, and transforming the way you live and work. This transformation may be abrupt and obvious, or more gradual and subtle, but regardless of how this change shows up – the disruption is real. The question, though, is how ready your organisation is for this disruption. Even more importantly, as devices are the key conduit to this digital world, how ready is your operating system for this world of disruption?
Here are a few reasons and resources for making the move to Windows 10:

Why Windows 10?

Digital transformation is changing the way we interact with our technology. It’s making us more mobile. Our ideas and our work don’t only happen in a 9 to 5 office environment. Today’s workforce needs the tools to carry our productivity wherever we go. Not just with mobile devices, but with mobility between devices: start an idea on your phone and continue it on a tablet. Work with colleagues on that idea with a team collaboration device. Windows 10 allows you to take your ideas with you and your team wherever they are, and on whatever device they are using.

In addition to the mobility of Windows 10, users have entirely new ways of interacting with their devices – making computing more personal. Users can save log-in time with the advanced facial recognition of Windows Hello. With Cortana, users can interface with their devices in natural language to search for files or analyse complex data. With Ink, users can touch and interact with content in ways they couldn’t before. In short, by moving to Windows 10, organisations can not only free up their employees to work wherever they want, but also however they want to be most productive.

Given the rise of security threats, every day your organisation remains on outdated systems is another day of putting your organisation at risk. According to the latest statistics[1], nearly a million new pieces of malware are created every day. The variants of ransomware – malware that restricts access to parts of your computer unless you pay a ransom to fix – tripled last year, with an average ransom topping $1,000 (up from $300 previously). While these kinds of attacks generally target individual computers, there are equally sobering statistics for businesses as well. 90% of large organisations suffered some sort of breach last year, costing £4.1M to for each to contain. Often the attack can start with an individual’s computer and work its way through a company’s network staying undetected for, on average, over 200 days[2].

With the security features built into Windows 10, users know that they’ve got the most advanced device, identity and information protection, as well as threat resistance that Microsoft has ever offered. What’s more, organisations can use features such as Advanced Threat Protection and our Enterprise Mobility Suite their employees and data can remain secure wherever they are.

Want more information? Take a look at our webinar to find out more about the benefits that Windows 10 can bring to both your End Users and IT Team.

Why upgrade to Windows 10 now?

If you want to understand the ROI for your business, please take a look at our calculator.

Windows 10 ROI Calculator

How do you move to Windows 10?

Before you start a full rollout of Windows 10, you can start by looking at other organisations, such as Croydon Council, who have have improved productivity, saved money and changed the way people work via their implementation of O365 with W10.

Watch their story here

After that, you’ve got a host of other resources to make sure your implementation is smooth and successful.

  • Upgrade Readiness with Windows Analytics: if you’re not sure whether or not your organisation is ready to make the move, a good place to start is with Windows Analytics. It gives you data-driven insights to reduce to cost of deploying, servicing and supporting Windows to: Window Analytics
  • Application Compatibility: we know that many customers’ applications will move across seamlessly but for others they need some support to repackage them. We are pleased to be working in partnership with Camwood and Cloud House, who will be more than willing to help with any issues.
  • Windows 10 as an Image: for government customers we offer an additional Service called ‘Windows 10 as an Image’. Please watch the webinar below to find out more: Windows 10 as an Image on-demand webinar
  • Training Portal: we’ve also just released a training portal which provides free training for your end users and IT professionals on Windows 10: End User and IT Professional Training
  • How-To Webinar: If you want even more help getting started with Windows 10, we have a number of tools and resources, which you can access through the webinar: How to upgrade to W10: Key resources and tools

Need even more information? (We have loads, really.) Please be sure to contact your Microsoft Account Manager.

[1] Source: Internet Security Threat Report 2017 by Symantec
[2] Source: Cyber Security Demystified eBook by Microsoft UK