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Try something new or hone your skills with these remote events

An image depicting a human figure in front of a calendar, next to a picture of Bit the Raccoon.

If you’re looking for free meetups on a wide variety of technical topics, the UK is one of the best places to find them. However, with in-person events out of the question for the foreseeable future, many of these usergroups are turning to live-streams and hangouts in order to share the latest news, best practices and tips.

Whether you’re looking to stay up to date on particular technologies, or you’re interested in boosting your knowledge and learning about something new, be sure to take a look at the user groups that have online options. Plus, if you’re not able to join, many of them offer archives of their previous meetings.

Here’s a selection of the online events you can attend this month and beyond:

What is Blazor? And why’s it so exciting? with Chris Sainty (dotnetsheff)
7th April, 2020 – Register here
In this talk, you’ll learn all about this game changing platform and how it brings choice back into front-end development.

Virtual Meetup – .NET Configuration is Easy …Right? by Steve Collins (.NET South West)
7th April, 2020 – Register here
In this talk, we start with a brief overview of the history of configuration in .NET Framework. Moving on to .NET Core, things are much better, but there are still some gotchas.

Global AI Community (On Virtual Tour)
8th April, 2020 – Register here
On the 8th of April 2020 the Global AI Community is hosting a 30 hour live event across timezones in different languages.

From four to forty in four years – trials and tribulations of growing a team (Developer South Coast)
16th April, 2020 – Register here
Between 2016 and 2020, the PureGym IT Team grew from 4 to 40 people. This talk is a journey through that growth period and discusses the variety of processes and practices that were applied in order to stay “Agile”.

Mark Rendle: Writing Code That Writes Code with Roslyn (.NET Oxford)
21st April, 2020 – Register here
Join .NET Oxford and Mark Rendle for a deep dive on Roslyn, the “.NET Compiler Platform”.

Scalable Azure DevOps agent pool with 1000 pipelines, with Wouter de Kort (dotnetsheff)
22nd April, 2020 – Register here
In this session, Wouter will show you how to build a fully automated, scalable agent pool with zero downtime deployments, automated patching and analytics.

Mastering Azure Monitor (UK Azure User Group)
22nd April, 2020 – Register here
In this session we’ll take it from the top – getting started, quick wins with Application Insights, advanced monitoring with Log Analytics and KQL, and how to create the killer Azure dashboards your business needs.

“What is Kubernetes and Why Use it?” and “Observability with Grafana and Prometheus” (Cheltenham Geek Nights)
22nd April, 2020 – Register here
Malcolm Holmes will be presenting on Kubernetes and on application monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana.

Global Azure Virtual
23-25th April, 2020 – Watch here
Featuring many sessions on Azure from the UK and Ireland across three days,

Full Fat Functions! with Layla Porter (Birmingham .Net & Xamarin User Group)
28th April, 2020 – Register here
In this session, we will move beyond demoware and look at the development of Azure Functions from start to production.

The Data Science Behind Formula1 (Scotland Data Science & Technology Meetup)
30th April, 2020 – Register here
Colin Gray is a data scientist working for TIBCO within their global data science team. As part of TIBCO’s partnership with the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One, Colin plays an active role working with the team and TIBCO’s own Formula 1 simulator.

In addition to all of these community events, the Microsoft Reactor in London is also running a selection of digital-only events. You can check out what’s upcoming on the Reactor website.

If you have an upcoming online meetup, feel free to send it to us at and we’ll update this listing as soon as we can.