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The Top 10 TechNet UK Articles of 2022!

We’re barely into 2023, so there’s no better time to take a look back at the Top 10 articles that were most popular by you, the TechNet UK audience! It’s great to see a mix of names amongst the authors, complimenting a wide variety of different topics.

A massive thank you to all of our guest writers and contributors, and we hope to work with writers new and old this year to create even more great content for everyone at TechNet UK.

If you’re interested in writing for TechNet UK, drop us an email at with a rough idea about what topic you’d like to cover and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Without further ado, here’s the top ten!

An illustration of a school, next to an illustration of Bit the Raccoon.

10. MVP Spotlight: Learning Visual Studio with Lee Englestone

by Lee Englestone

Welcome to our MVP Spotlight series! This time I caught up with Lee Englestone, where I asked him about his experiences and tips for Visual Studio.

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9. How Azure Backup Center deals with constant change

by Pierre Roman

There might be one thing that has not changed for IT Pros and operation folks, and that’s the need for an appropriate backup strategy. 

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8. How Hello Games is using Azure to bring No Man’s Sky to millions

by Harvey Eagle

Harvey Eagle spoke with Iain Brown, server and multiplayer lead for Hello Games, about how they are using Azure tools and services to run the incredibly popular No Man’s Sky. 

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7. Cross-tenant data ingestion without whitelisting IP addresses with Azure Synapse Pipelines/Azure Data Factory

by Issagha BA, Kalai Elumalai and Marvin Buss

This blog will help you securely ingest data cross-tenant using Synapse Pipelines or Azure Data Factory, leveraging managed vNet and private endpoints.

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6. Orchestrating data with Azure Data Factory

by Chris Walden

The need for batch movement of data on a regular time schedule is a requirement for most analytics solutions, and Azure Data Factory (ADF) is the service that can be used to fulfil such a requirement.

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5. How to pivot as an IT Pro

by Rod Trent

Rod Trent takes a look at how you can pivot into a new focus area as an IT Pro, while giving some tips for doing so.

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4. MVP Spotlight: Learning DevOps with Marcel Lupo

by Marcel Lupo

Welcome to our new MVP Spotlight series! This time I caught up with Marcel Lupo, where I asked him about his personal DevOps journey, and how others can get started on their own.

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3. How to create an effective test plan

by Chris Walden

Software is complex. Writing software is even more complex. But there are ways to make it easier on ourselves.

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2. A look at the announcements from Microsoft Ignite 2022

by Chris Walden

This year’s Microsoft Ignite is now over. Let’s take a look at some of the announcements, and how you can catch up on sessions if you’ve missed them.

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An illustration of a gaming controller, next to a picture of Bit the Raccoon.

1. Learning how to up your game at the London Games Festival

by Steph Rogers

Following a two-year absence, London Games Festival proved a welcome return for UK game developers.

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